What We Do

Information Center

ARF provides a single source location for finding information on various topics without bias. Autism is different for every person and family. ARF provides multiple viewpoints on a variety of subjects, allowing families to make informed decisions for their households.

Free Tablets

ARF provides FREE tablets to special needs families that do not have the means to purchase them on their own. The electronic devices have WIFI capabilities so parents can seek information online. Their loved ones can use these tablets to assist with communication, help with education, or simply for entertainment purposes (we can all use a break from life’s challenges from time to time).

Therapy Providers

ARF provides a directory of therapy providers to allow families to find the services they need for their loved ones.

Beyond Empathy

ARF provides support in ways that are not easily measured. Sometimes it is as simple as listening to a parent vent frustrations. ARF can also be the strong voice that urges a parent to get going and advocate for their loved ones with special needs.

ARF hosts online support group meetings. Each meeting has a different main topic and provides an easy-to-use and hassle-free forum for special needs families to have open and judgment-free conversations.

Whatever the occasion calls for, ARF is there for you. Special need families often feel isolated; ARF wants you that you are not alone on this journey, ARF is here to assist. When the special needs community comes together, great things can be accomplished.